Drum Magnet Separator (DMS)
PDF-Download Drum Magnet SeparatorThe DMS extracts finer magnetizable components from a material stream.
UMS has developed its own Drum Magnet Separator, since no product was available on the market fulfilling our requirements at the time.
Our drum magnet separators are available from 400 to 2,000 mm working width. The magnetic strength is selected according to the task and requirements. With the strongest magnets we apply to the DMS yields of more than 12,000 Gauss are achieved.
The best sorting results for separating magnetizable materials require an optimized material feed, an even and single layer distribution to the DMS. UMS is in the position to provide its own proven solutions for this.
A combination of overbelt-, drum magnet separators and sometimes completed with other separation aggregates result in ferrous fractions with high purity, mixed copper-ferrous fractions and even stainless steel fractions and finally to increased added value.
If you request an offer or want to purchase a Drum Magnet Separator (DMS) directly, please fill out the form under Contact.
Other dimensions are available on request.We offer the DSM as single machines. Extension of or integration into your operating system is also possible.